Monday, November 2, 2009
aku nk citer ckit nie, baru2 nie Unisel de wat konvokesyen... mmg best r n gempak U len xleh lawan... mse konvo 2 Unisel de wat pesta Feskonisel slme 3 ari xclap aku.. mmg best gler r... aku dapat jd sktriat dalam kuminiti teknikal... de r pnyanyi dtg mcm emy search arrow dan stu lg pe tah... t aku tunjuk pic aku ngan emy search n Dr. fazley ek...
pape pun aku nk say thnks kat MPP Unisel sbb sudi panggal aku join dalam sktriat n still percaya kat aku... korang mmg best... xtaw nk tlis pe dah... t dh upload pic aku citer g ek...
Monday, October 12, 2009
Citer Satu Malam....
aku plik r ngan sesetengah manusia nie ble depan sokong aku bagai nk rak ble belakang kutuk aku mcm2 kata poyo r blagak r pe r... xpham aku... owang mcm nie ptt ke kte pkul beliau smpai mati xkre beliau nie lelaki or pompuan... pe pndapat smue mber2 unisel n mber sekolah lme ke mber sklah lme aku???? de kot... kadang2 trase pun de gak... aku pun de prasaan gak.. hurm..
tue stu hal... nie lg stu hal aku nk citer nie wat korang sedar dri ckit n blajar ucap time kase kat owang... de r stu malam 2 xclap aku ari sabtu kot... aku kuar ngan mber aku nk g minum dalam kol 11 malam kat kedai mamak kat puchong nie... blik dari mnum kteowang g 7E... kat sblah 7E de padang aku nmpak de sorang pompuan n 3 lelaki... aku ngan mber aku nie mcm xsdap ati je kan... pe ke jadahnye kol 1 pompuan ngan 3 lelaki kat c 2... glap plak 2 kat tempat 2... aku pun g r ngan mber aku nie mne r taw d'orang tgh beromen ke... ble g dekat je aku terkejut ble 2 lelaki sedang acu pisau kat sorang lelaki n pompuan tersebut... pe g aku ngan mber aku g r tlong d'orang... rupenye d'orang nk rompak lelaki n pompuan tersebut... bergelut2 ngan perompak tersebut pastu sorang dapat lepas lg sorang aku dapat tngkap n bw g balai... rpe2 nye pompuan n sorang lelaki nie d'orang kapel... bengong punye jantan 2 bawa anak dara owang tgah2 malam...
dah tlong d'orang nie lelaki 2 bkn nk ucap time kase pastu marah2 kteowang sbb sentuh awek beliau siap maki2 g... bodo... pe lagi kan kteowang pun xde segan silu trus pkul 4 5 liang lelaki tersebut tanpa belas kesian.. sial punye jantan 2... bg dia pengajaran ckit suh hormat owang... bajet awek dia lawo r... gampang punye owang... eeee gram lak aku... klau aku taw xde aku nk tlog.. biar je beliau mampos kering kat c 2...
citer nie aku nk kongsi ngan korang bkn nk untuk up2 kan dri aku bg sesetengah pihak yg kata aku begitu... betape penting kita perlu hormat stu sme len... xrugi n tak jatuhkan maruah korang pun klau korang wat mcm 2... bkn pe klau kte xhormat owang pastu mke 2 talam lme2 owang benci n nyampah taw... so pk2 r ek...
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Sedey + Windu = Gumbira

Salam semua... dah 2 weeks raye berlalu.. bnyak kenangan mnis n ahit aku lalui mse raye taun nie.. mmg bnyk bg aku kesan yang mendalam r... adooiiii... pahit nye mber2 sekolah lme aku xdtg pun umah aku tok rye...umah mber len g... hmm xpe r msing2 dh byk wet mne nk ingat aku.. aku pe de jz owang miskin je.. xpe r... xlame g aku dh nk abis prtkal kat JPA nie... gler windu kat mber2 kat cnie...
aku dapat tawaran keje kat TV3 kat dprtment mngemant event... aku jd head of managment event... pas abis aku prtkal nie xde r aku dok umah goyang kaki.. xbest badan pun makin besa.. hehehehe... klau keje dapat gak income ckit.. leh blnje aweks yang rapat ngan aku.. hehehehe... MYLOVE jgn marah taw... orang jahat mcm sy nie mmg byk aweks... tapi awk tetap kat ati sy taw.. hehehehe...
windu lak kat famly aku n MYLOVE maklum r dh lme xjmp msing2 sibuk ngan keje...klau korang nk taw MYLOVE sy nie MPP UNiSEL taw... rjin taw dia nie.. ssh nk dpat awek mcm beliau... dalam bz2 dia xpernah miss cntack sy taw... sya syg awk sgt2... korang jgn jelez lak...
bln nie aku de event lak kat UNiSEL... event silat gayong yang mne mybe Sultan Selangor akn trun... ramai anak2 gayong akn de mse 2... aku wat demo ngan mber aku mybe men senjata... xtaw senjata pe pisau or tongkat panjang...hope aku wat yg terbek r... mse mnyambut 10 taun UNiSEL aku wat demo silat depan MB selangor... dia puji beb kat aku n silat gayong UNiSEL maklum r ank buah SAWA... hehehehe... klau nk taw spe SAWA meh join silat gayong Malaysia UNiSEl BJ...
keje bnyak nie nk kne wat... t aku smbung g ek... aku tlis nie mase boss xde.. hehehehe... Have A Nice Day All My Frienz...
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Selamat Hari Raye.....
yang paling best sekali taun nie aku beraye bersame buah ati kesayangan aku taw... baru je ngan dia xsampai setahun pun... dia bek n memahami aku... thanks syg... hope rye taun nie bermakne bagi aku... huhuhu... rye taun nie gak bisness syarikat famly aku untung n sentiase je dapat projek... Alhamdulilah... pape pun aku syg sgt kat mak(Siti Hasenah) n abah(A.Rahim) aku...
rye taun nie gak aku trase ilang mber2 sekolah aku terutama mber form6 aku... d'orang msing2 dh benci kata aku sbb aku kutuk mber d'orang kat blog aku nie... pade hal xde pun .. hmmm tah r... xpe r aku doakan d'orang berjaya dlm idup n sentiase maapkan aku stu ari nanti... aku syg korang sgt2 wey...klau korang bc blog aku nie aku nk mnta maap dri ujung rambut sampai ujung kaki kat korang sbb aku bnyk wat salah kat korang... hope korang dapat maapkan aku ek... klau aku dh xde korang sedekahkan aku al-fatihah k...
Pape pun aku Aliff Al-farabby nk mngucapkan Selamat Hari Raye Aidilfitri kepada semua anak2 gayong UNiSEL bJ, smue fasilitator UNiSEL MTS, MPP UNiSEL, mber2 Byloon, Staff JPA terutama kat unit Library, Mber2 Form6 Khir Johari dan spe2 yang mengenali dri saya nie...MAAP ZAHIR & BATIN.....
Monday, September 14, 2009
History of Silat

There are three main associations that uses Silat Gayong as their curriculum. They are all led by Dato' Meor's closest followers who wear the sixth degree black belt, the highest a student could attain. The biggest is Pertubuhan Silat Seni Gayong Malaysia (PSSGM) which is led by the grandmaster's daughter Cikgu Kalsom. Others are Pertubuhan Seni Silat Pusaka Gayong Malaysia (PSSPGM) which is led by Cikgu Majid Mat Isa, Silat Seni Gayong Pasak Singapura (SSGPS) by Cikgu Hussain Kaslan and Pertubuhan Silat Seni Gayong Warisan Serantau Malaysia (PSSGWSM) by Cikgu Mat Nanyan. Other associations that teach Silat Gayong as brought by Dato' Meor are PERWANIT in Singapore and Gayong Amerika (colaboration of PSSGM and PSSPGM).
The governing body of PSSGM (crest at the banner) is headed by Cikgu Mohd Razali Mohd Salleh, the chairman. Initially registered in 1962, it is probably the oldest silat association in Malaysia. Each state has its own branch in which they govern their own curriculum as outlined by the central headquarters. Hence to obtain a white belt in Selangor is not the same as obtaining one in Johor due to the specialization of certain masters in those regions. For instance PSSGM Selangor once invited a master from Pahang to give a javelin seminar since he was the renown expert.
PSSPGM, also known as Gayong Pusaka, was founded following the sacking of Cikgu Majid as the chief instructor of PSSGM in 1978. It recognizes Dato' Meor as the grandmaster although all activities are self-regulated. Gayong Pusaka has an almost identical belt system to PSSGM's but the curriculum for each belt is different. They are famed for producing world champions in silat seni tournaments such as Jebat, Zulkarnain and Mat.
In Singapore SSGPS is the main body that regulates the study of Silat Gayong. Cikgu Hussain Kaslan, the chief instructor, was one of the earliest student of Dato' Meor when Silat Gayong was first being introduced in Singapore. Some of the masters in PSSGM even went for their black belt grading with SSGPS.
Another breakaway from PSSGM is Pertubuhan Silat Seni Gayong Warisan Serantau Malaysia (PSSGWSM). Is was established in 1992 and currently being led by Cikgu Mat Nanyan. PSSWSM has its headquarters in Alor Setar and active mostly in the northern states. The main training center is in Kampung Kepayang, Ipoh.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Sakit.... Bulan Pose.....

salam...tergerak plak ati aku nk tlis smthing kat blog nie... dalam bulan pose nie bnyk dugaan aku yang xdpt aku lpe n kenangan dalam idup aku nie... tp dugaan tersebut aku tempoh ngan redho n tabah walaupun menerima ngan perit...
xclap aku pada pose ke 10 aku terkanda kat ofice coz kat ptrajaya ujan lebat..dh r aku blik nek moto... aku grak blik dr tempat keje dalm kol 7.15 sampai umah dalam kol 7.40... sampai2 aku trus berbuke... mse aku blik 2 ujan g n nsib bek aku tak xcident ngan trela klau xaku dh jd arwah dh... ari nie aku malang g sbb mnyak moto aku abs mse aku nk g keje so aku tersadai r kat tgh jalan... pe lg aku tolak r..nsb bek de sorang hamba allah nie tlong aku tunda moto aku smpai kat petronas ptrajaya... peeee perit beb...
pastu dalam bulan pose nie gak xgf aku N**** bkn nme sbnar telah memarahi aku xtntu psal mcm owang gler sbb aku kutuk dia kat blog nie... pada hal aku xde pun nk aib kan dia... xde pun nme dia kat blog aku nie... klau aku bwa kat mahkamah gerenti aku mng penye tp aku mls je... aku pun taw jge maruah owang.. bkn mak bapak aku xajar hormati owang... tp mak bapak aku xajar aku skitkan ati owang yg kte syg... tah r mcm bodo lak ble aku ckp ngan dia aku nk bek ngan dia sdngkan dia ego xnk kwn ngan aku g... mybe salah aku kot sbb wat jahat... mklum r dia 2 pompuan yg bek kat dunia nie...pape pun aku sntiase doakan dia bhgia n sntiase mju dlm idup walaupun dia benci aku skrng...
bln pose nie gak xgf aku mse kat unisel mrh2 aku n benci kat aku sbb de pompuan len... WHAT THE FUCK.... aku xphm r pe mslah beliau... dia de llki len xpe ble aku de pompuan len dia mrah aku n ckp aku bkn2 n ktuk aku n pompuan yang bersama aku skrg... pning n xphm aku... dia msh syg kan aku g ke???? tp dia dh de llki len... aku pun dh syg kat pompuan yg bersama ngan aku skrg... nk lempang t di cop dayus lak... hemmmmmmm.... tah r xphm aku ngan pompuan nie pas sorang2 xde yg elok.. aku arap pompuan yg aku knl skrg nie pandai jge ati aku n sayang aku smpai aku mati... aku nk dia jd tman hidup aku... klau dia bce blog aku nie jz nk say sy syg awk sgt2....YANA...
xtaw nk tlis pe g dh.. bnyk lak sdey dlm bln pose yang menimpa aku nie... hmmmm......
Friday, August 28, 2009
My Idol...

Paul Michael Levesque (born July 27, 1969) is an American professional wrestler and actor signed with World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE), currently wrestling on its Raw brand.He is better known by his ring name Triple H, an abbreviation of his former ring name, Hunter Hearst Helmsley,
Before joining WWE, Levesque began his wrestling career with World Championship Wrestling (WCW) in 1993, wrestling under the ring name Terra Ryzing and later as Jean-Paul Lévesque. Levesque joined the World Wrestling Federation (WWF) in 1995 with the on-screen persona of wealthy sophisticate Hunter Hearst Helmsley. He later changed his name to Triple H and adopted an alternative image in the stable D-Generation X (DX). After the dissolution of DX, Triple H was pushed as a main event wrestler, winning several singles championships. As part of a storyline, Triple H married Stephanie McMahon, who later became his real-life spouse. In 2003, Triple H formed another stable known as Evolution, and in 2006, briefly reformed DX with Shawn Michaels and once again reformed DX in 2009.
Overall, Levesque is a thirteen-time World Champion having won the WWE Championship eight times, and the World Heavyweight Championship five times (Triple H is also recognized as the first World Heavyweight Champion under WWE's lineage). In addition, Levesque won the 1997 King of the Ring, the 2002 Royal Rumble, and was the second Grand Slam Championship winner.
Outside wrestling, Levesque has made numerous guest appearances in film and on television.
D-Generation X (1997–1999)
Helmsley's push resumed in 1997, when he won the 1997 King of the Ring tournament by defeating Mankind in the finals. Later that year, Shawn Michaels, Helmsley, Chyna and Rick Rude formed D-Generation X (DX). This stable later became known for pushing the envelope, as Michaels and Helmsley made risqué promos—spawning the catchphrase "Suck It", using a "crotch chop" hand motion, and sarcastically deriding Bret Hart and Canada. By that point, Helmsley had fully dropped the "blueblood snob" gimmick, appearing in T-shirts and leather. During this period, his ring name was shortened to simply Triple H. Even after the DX versus Hart Foundation storyline ended, Helmsley continued to feud with the sole remaining member Owen Hart over the WWF European Championship. This ended in a match between the two at WrestleMania XIV, with the stipulation that Chyna had to be handcuffed to then-Commissioner Sgt. Slaughter. Helmsley won after Chyna threw powder into Slaughter's eyes, momentarily "blinding" him and allowing her to interfere in the match.
After WrestleMania, Michaels was forced into temporary retirement due to a legitimate back injury sustained at the Royal Rumble, with Triple H taking over the leadership position in DX, claiming that his now-former associate had "dropped the ball". He introduced the returning X-Pac the night after WrestleMania and joined forces with the New Age Outlaws. As 1998 went along, D-Generation X became more popular, turning the group from villians to fan favorites. It was also during this time that Triple H began a feud with the leader of the Nation of Domination and rising WWF villain, The Rock. This storyline rivalry eventually led to a feud over the Intercontinental Championship, which Triple H won in a ladder match at SummerSlam. He did not hold the title long, however, as he was sidelined with a legitimate knee injury. When The Rock won the WWF Championship at Survivor Series, the rivalry between the two continued, as DX fought The Corporation stable, of which The Rock was the main star. Triple H received a shot at the WWF Championship on the January 25, 1999 edition of Raw in an "I Quit" match against The Rock, but the match ended when Triple H was forced to quit or see his aide Chyna chokeslammed by Kane. This began a new angle for Triple H, as Chyna betrayed him by attacking him after the match and joining The Corporation.
As part of the storyline, at WrestleMania XV, Triple H beat Kane with the aid of Chyna, who was thought to have rejoined DX. Later on in the night, he betrayed his long-time friend and fellow DX member X-Pac by helping Shane McMahon retain the European Championship and joined The Corporation. After Triple H's villain turn in early 1999, he moved away from his DX look, taping his fists for matches, sporting new and shorter wrestling trunks, and adopting a shorter hairstyle.Levesque's gimmick changed as he fought to earn a WWF title shot. After numerous failed attempts at winning the championship, Triple H and Mankind challenged WWF Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin to a Triple Threat match at SummerSlam, which featured Jesse "The Body" Ventura as the special guest referee. Mankind won the match by pinning Austin,but the following night on Raw, Triple H defeated Mankind to win his first WWF Championship.
Triple H dropped the WWF Championship to Vince McMahon on the September 16, 1999 edition of SmackDown! before regaining it at Unforgiven in a Six-Pack Challenge that included Davey Boy Smith, Big Show, Kane, The Rock, and Mankind. He defeated Stone Cold Steve Austin at No Mercy before dropping the title to Big Show at Survivor Series. Triple H then continued his feud with Vince McMahon by marrying his daughter, Stephanie McMahon. He then defeated McMahon at Armageddon. As a result of the feud, an angle with Triple H and Stephanie McMahon began which carried the WWF throughout the next seventeen months; together they were known as the "McMahon-Helmsley Faction".
ok r sampai cnie je aku leh citer pasal idola aku nie TRIPLE H.. 1 day aku nk wat badan mcm dia.. huhuhu.. jagan terkejot t.. sbb 2 aku letak nick name abby_the game.. hehehehehe... k r t aku update g tentang len ek... papai....
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Waktu Bosan Aku.........

salam... hye kawan2... peee.. sdar2 dh 1 week aku prtkal kat JPA ptrajaya nie.. pning dowh prtkal kat library nie... tambah2 aku sorang lelaki kat dlm nie.. mmg pning n bosan tahap gabai.. now dh bln pose mcm dugaan yang aku dpt.. mls nk citer pe dugaan yang aku dpt.. t korang simpati n ngis lak.. hehehe.. aku ingatkan best r kat library rupe2nye hanya Tuhan yang tahu beb.. bek aku ambl kos prasekolah sng je.. tp layak ke aku jd ckgu.. huhuhu..
kat cnie pakaian kne r smart.. mklm r tmpat kerajaan.. bertambah kacak r aku.. heehheeeee... nie mse aku tlis nie blog nie aku tgh bosan n pnng pale... xtaw nk wat pe.. mcm nk tdo pun de nie.. hehehe.. sjuk beb...
sbnarnye aku windu kat seseorang taw.. dh r aku syg dia sgt2.. now ssh nk jmp coz aku dh prtkal.. wlaupun kat cnie rmai awek cun n baye2 aku tp ati aku ttp nk dia gak.. de gak awek kat cnie cbe nk b'knlan ngan aku tp aku mcm xleh trime coz aku syg kat orang 2.. xtaw knp aku leh jd mcm nie.. nk taw spe tgu pas rye aku bgtaw ek.. hehehehe...
dh lme aku xtrun traning silat.. windu plak aku kat silat.. lau aku trun traning nie msti pancitnye.. mklm r bdn dh taff.. hehehehe.. jgn jelez ek.. xsbr2 n wat demo silat ngan zarul partner aku.. aku dgr presiden silat gayong unisel skrg nk wat event besa nk jmput Sultan... waaaaaaaaa.. gempak gler... smge berjaya... jgn xjd lak t gayong unisel mlu lak .. dgr citer dh heboh kat smue orng psl event nie.. bgus2.. dlu time aku jd presiden silat gayong unisel rmai ckap aku xtaw wat kje.. dr orang bwh smpai orang ats ckp aku xreti wat kje.. now aku nk tgk event nie berjaya ke x.. klau berjaya aku tabik spring r weyyyy... d'orang xtaw spe yg bg nek nme gayong unisel smpai jd club top 3... yang d'orang taw nk kutuk aku je.. pape pun all de best bdk gayong unisel dibwh presiden baru.. mls r aku nk citer g... korang tgk je r sndri t ek...
k r aku nk cau dlu..citer psl silat tbe2 lak aku ilang mood... pape t aku tlis g kat blog nie k.. asalamualaikum....
Monday, August 17, 2009
Dah Mula Prtkal.....

Aduhhhh... mule r bulan aku prtkal... aku mle prtkl pada 17 ari bln masuk dftar dri pkul 8.30 pagi... aku prtkal kat JPA ptrajaya taw kat unit perpustakaan... aku kat cnie sorang lelaki je.. yang len smue pompuan.. agak sgan r aku di situ.. huhuhu.. staff kat cnie smue ok2 r cun2 pun de gak.. hehehehe.. d'orang smue baye2 aku je paling tua pun dalam lingkungan umo 26 taun.. prtkal kat cnie xde r ssh sgt sng je xde tnsion2 bese r dok kat aircond.. paling kuang ske ble nk wat cataloging.. peee pning beb.. dh r staff kat cnie xtaw nk wat klau nk tnye kne r tnye kat ktua perpustakaan kat cnie.. nsb bek ketua perpustakaan kat cnie bek.. nme dia pn.laili.. pagai dia sme ngan pagai pn.norhairi.. best gler.. de sifat keibuan ckit.. sng r nk berkomunikasi ngan beliau.. aku kat cnie rapat ngan nani mber prtkal aku n staff kat cnie raudah n farah.. farah n raudah nie best r leh wat joke n smbang ble time kteorang smue boring.. farah umo dia 20 n raudah sbye aku 22 taun.. sorang orang kedah sorang orang perak.. dua2 nie cun taw.. huhuhuhu.. jangan jelez ek.. aku mcm nk kje kat cnie je taw mmg best gler r walaupun agak boring ckit.. aku msuk kje kol 8.30 pg blik plak kol 5.30.. xsia2 dpt prtkal kat JPA nie.. klau korang nk kje bek kje kat JPA mmg best r.. awek2 kat cnie cun2 gak.. huhuhuhu.. pape pun aku windu kat mber2 aku kat unisel terutama mber2 silat n mber MTS baru2 nie.. aku sayang korang smue.. k r aku nk wat kje dlu.. pape t aku citer g k.. wasalam...
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Persatuan Silat Seni Gayong Malaysia Unisel...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
MTS JULAI 2009/2010

Sok paginye pas sarapan y xseberapa nk sedap 2, dlm pukul 9, ktorang pon btolak kat Lembah Azween, Kuala Langat.. Dalam 2 jam pjalanan, maka tibalah beta kt destinasi.... Pinggang da sakit, sampai je kami sume menjamu selera sekali ngn Fesi dari Shah Alam.... Kepoyoran y dtunjukkan oleh mereka agak menyakitkan ati jugak la.... Xpe.. Papeon y penting BJ Fesi still the BEST..... aitcheah...
Cam bese la.... Ble da progrm cm ni konform BORING..... byk gle ceramah.. Petang tu lg la BES, ade la aktiviti Treasure Hunt... Da cari2 barang leh lak last check point bg ktorang mkan TELUR MENTAH + SARDIN... Pergh.... naik muntah sekor2... hu4,,... Aku dengan gagahnya pon suap kan 4 sudu dlm mulut.... Tuhan je la tahu... Series xleh lupa.... taubat nk makan lg... Sok petang, pas amek gambar sume Jimbet2 y ada, ktorang btolak balik... Haaah... Lega...
Abes cter Induksi..... sampai kat bahan utama.... MTS... Cm bese la.... Aku y smemangnya berbakat, skali lg HEAD OF TECHNICAL BUREAU... Well.... Abg da ckp.. Start da tugas sbnar aku... Ha.... Terbaek la Sem ni..... 1st time aku handle teknikal ade 2 bunga...... cun2 lak 2... Bukan ape... Pembakar semngat.... Atleast ringan gak tugas aku dlm hal report2 ni....
Prepare week jalan cm bes gak la.... xbyk prob... Pas tu start Oriantasi ble student daftar.... Agak pelik gak la cos Sem panjang student 594 je...... Rekod seh...!!! Tp still ada gak la ikan2..... Hu4... Jual minyak lg la.... Haha...
Tpi ade gak hal2 y bikin aku ni panas.... lg2 Biro AKTIVITI... Aku da pesan anta Chek List awal2 kat aku.... Ingat Pembangunan 2 abah aku punye ke...? mana aku nk amek barang kalau lambat....? Lg 1, aku da provide Walkie talkie pon xreti nk gune... Naik bisu aku rojer pon xjwb... haa....... kena la time post moterm.... Aku sembur sket je tu... kang aku bukak silat kang... Ngan Protokol pon kene... DEGIL SANGAT... Amek skali....
Pas tu part y paling bes time pendaftaran SENIOR.... residen da msuk dewan.. Then kecoh sbb student kne reject dok dlm hostel y bes dorang anta student kat KOTA PUTERI... Dekat la kot nk ulang alik.... Ape punye management.... bek wat hostel kt umah aku kat PERAK tu.... lg xsakit ati... alang2 nk jaoh kan...